The candidate group selection window consists of two tables. The table above lists the names of selectable user groups and the names of the selected user groups below.
Groups can be selected by double-clicking the left mouse button on the desired group within the top table or by highlighting the group on the top table and pressing the 'Add' button, located on the right side of the top table.
The table below shows all selected groups. In case you want to delete a group from the list of selected, we will do it in the same way as when adding - by double-clicking the left mouse button on the desired group inside the table below or highlighting the group on the table below and pressing the 'Eject' button on the right side of the table below.
In the lower right corner of the window there are two buttons - 'OK' and 'Cancel'. By pressing 'OK' we confirm the selection of the selected user groups, while by pressing 'Cancel' the window closes without any changes.