Folder rules setup

Selecting the 'Edit Rules' option from the drop-down menu that opens by pressing the '' repository toolbar button will open the 'Edit Rules' window to manage the rules above the folder we are currently in.

This window consists of a rule table, located on the left, and a toolbar located to the right of that table.

The table consists of the following columns:

  • 'Name' - The name of the script / rule
  • 'Description' - Description of the script
  • 'Inherited' - Is the rule inherited
  • 'Disabled' - Is the rule disabled
  • 'Background execution' - Whether the script is running in the background
  • 'Value within' - Whether the rule applies to all folders located within the selected folder

The toolbar consists of the following buttons: 'Enable / Disable', 'Edit', 'Delete', 'Add Script Rule' and 'Add Mail Rule'.

Clicking the 'Enable / Disable' button next to the previously marked rule within the table, enables or disables the rule from running.

Pritiskom na gumb 'Uredi', uz prethodno označeno pravilo unutar tablice, otvorit će se prozor za izmjenu označenog pravila. Ovisno o tome da li se radi o pravilu za skripte ili pravilu za mail, otvorit će se odgovarajući prozor za uređivanje pravila. Prozori za uređivanje pravila jednaki su kao kod unosa novog pravila i opisani su u pod poglavljima 'Pravilo - skripta' i 'Pravilo - e-mail'.

Pressing the 'Delete' button deletes the previously marked rule on the map. Before deleting, a dialog box will open in which we can confirm the deletion of the rule by pressing the 'Yes' button or reject it by pressing the 'No' button.

Rule - script

Clicking the 'Add script rule' button on the toolbar of the folder rule management window will open the 'script rule' window, in which the rule above the folder is set.

This window consists of a form with the following fields:

  • 'Script task' - Drop-down menu in which it is possible to select one of the offered options: 'startSkyApGo.js' or 'startInputCommission.js'
  • 'File ends with' - A drop-down menu in which can be selected the file extension over which the script will be executed.
  • 'The name of the rule'
  • 'Disable rule' - Whether the rule is disabled. A check mark is placed inside the checkbox if the rule needs to be disabled.
  • 'Pokreni pravilo u pozadini' - Da li se skripta izvršava u pozadini. Postavlja se kvačica unutar kvadratića za označavanje ako se odabere izvršavanje u pozadini.
  • 'Run rule in background' - Whether the script is running in the background. A check mark is placed inside the check box if background execution is selected.
  • 'Rule also applies to internal folders' - Does the rule apply to all folders located within the selected folder. A check mark is placed inside the checkbox if the rule applies to all folders located within the selected folder.

In the lower left corner of the window there are two buttons - 'Save' and 'Cancel'. Clicking the 'Save' button sets the rule on the map, and clicking 'Cancel' closes the window without making any changes.

Rule - e-mail

Clicking the 'Add mail rule' button on the toolbar of the folder rule management window will open the 'Mail rule' window, in which the rule over the folder related to e-mails is set.

This window consists of a form with the following fields:

  • 'Email template' - a drop-down menu in which is selected one of the email templates which will be sent
  • 'Email name' - the title that will be displayed when sending e-mails
  • 'Receive' - it is possible to select 'Group' (user groups) or 'User' (users).
  • 'Group' - Select a user group. This field will be displayed if 'Group' is selected under 'Receive'. Clicking on this field will open a window for selecting a group of users. This window is described in detail in the sub-chapter 'User group selection window'.
  • 'User' - Select a user. This field will be displayed if 'User' is selected under 'Receive'. Clicking on this field will open a user selection window. This window is described in detail in the sub-chapter 'User selection window'.
  • 'The name of the rule'
  • 'Disable rule' - Whether the rule is disabled. A check mark is placed inside the checkbox if the rule needs to be disabled.
  • 'Run rule in background' - Whether the script is running in the background. A check mark is placed inside the check box if background execution is selected.
  • 'Rule also applies to internal folders' - The rule applies to all folders located within the selected folder. A check mark is placed inside the checkbox if the rule applies to all folders located within the selected folder.

In the lower left corner of the window there are two buttons - 'Save' and 'Cancel'. Clicking the 'Save' button sets the rule on the map, and clicking 'Cancel' closes the window without making any changes.