
The account search user interface can be opened in two ways. The first is by clicking on the 'Reports' button on the toolbar and selecting the 'Search' option, and the second on the desktop within the 'Classic' tab by clicking on the link under 'Account Search'. The user interface is divided into two parts. On the left is the search form, while on the right is the search results table.

Search form The basic fields in the search form are 'Name', 'Company', 'Int. Number', 'FI Number', 'Amount', 'Contains', 'Monthly Cost', 'OIB', 'Partner' and 'Status'. .

  • 'Name' - search by input account name.
  • 'Company' - search by company name. The company is selected from the drop-down menu.
  • 'Int. number '- search by int. number.
  • 'FI number' - search by FI number.
  • 'Amount' - search by amount, enter the maximum and minimum amount.
  • 'Contains' - search by word or phrase within the document.
  • 'Monthly cost' - search by cost center. The cost center is selected via a drop-down menu.
  • 'OIB' - search by partner's OIB
  • 'Partner' - search by partner name.
  • 'Status' - search by account processing status. The status is selected via a drop-down menu.

The user is able to customize the search via the '-' buttons located to the left of each search box. Pressing this button removes the corresponding field from the search form. Below the form there is a drop-down menu 'Add' from which it is possible to select additional search fields to be inserted into the search form.

In addition to the basic fields, it is possible to search by the date of creation of the incoming account 'Dat. creation 'and by date of change' Dat. changes'. When entering a date, the start and end dates are determined, which are selected by clicking on the calendar icon to the right of the field for entering that date.

Below the search box, and above the 'Add' drop-down button, there are two buttons - 'Search' and 'Reset'. The 'Search' button is used to start a search based on the data entered in the form. Pressing the 'Reset' button deletes all data entered in the search form.

Search results

The results table shows basic information about incoming invoices:

  • 'Name' - account name
  • 'Company' - company name
  • 'Mje. cost '- place of cost
  • 'Status' - account processing status
  • 'Int. number'
  • 'Partner' - the name of the partner
  • 'Amount' - the amount of the invoice
  • 'Dat. creation '- the date of account creation
  • 'Dat. changes' - the date of the account change

In the table on the right there are two more special columns with icons - information and overview.

The last column for the 'Open' preview contains icons that serve as links to the input invoice document. Clicking on this icon will download and open the corresponding input invoice document.

The penultimate column contains an 'i' icon for each search result. Clicking on this icon will open the 'Info' window, which is described in the section viewing account information.

Generate report files

There are two buttons in the lower right corner of the screen: 'PDF' and 'Excel'. These buttons are used to generate reports on search results in PDF or Excel format, depending on which button the user clicked.

The reports you create contain data that is inside the search table.