My Tasks

Clicking on the "My tasks" tab inside the drop down menu opens the view of the work section, which contains all the basic functionalities of the application: Approving and Technical validity.


By pressing the "Approve" will open the "Task details" with four options: detail tab, file display, all tasks tab and tab activity.


-Detail tab - contain basic information about the on-demand Workflow data :

  • "Workflow ID",
  • "Workflow Description" - description of workflow,
  • "Description" - description,
  • "Company" - document user,
  • "Last action" - the person who last performed the action,
  • "Create time" - time when the task was created and
  • "Priority" - number of priorities.

There is also the option to add report and comments.

-File display - shows document

-All tasks tab - shows all task within the approval interface.

-Tab Activity - tab "Activity" contains four coluomns:

  • "Name" - the person who approved,
  • "Start" - when the task is started,
  • "Completion" - when the task is completed and
  • "Outcome" - tech.valid or tech.invalid

There are three options at the bottom of the page: "Completed","Preapproval" and "Assign".

  • "Completed"- the task is complete
  • "Pre-approval" - Pre-approving enables users to request pre-approval from a person or a list of persons not defined in workflow definition. When that person completes the task, or all persons in list, workflow is return to initiator of pre-approval. For example: before manager approves invoice for payment, he/she can request pre-approval of invoice for equipment from a person ordering the equipment.
  • "Assign" - Assignment option replaces current assignee of the task with one or more persons
