Ongoing activities

The ongoing activity user interface is opened by clicking on the 'Ongoing activities' button, located in the lower right corner of the desktop interface screen, or by clicking on the link under 'Activities in progress' within the 'Classic' tab on the desktop.

The user interface is divided into three parts. At the top is the search form, below it is a table with search results, and on the right is a toolbar with buttons.

The search form consists of three fields:

  • 'Dat. creation ’sets the start and end dates that represent the time period within which the activity was created
  • 'Priority' - priority of the activity, is selected from the drop-down menu in which we can select one of three options: 'Low', 'Medium' or 'High'.
  • 'Company' - select a company

To the right of the search form are two buttons: 'Load', which is used to start the search, after which the results will be displayed in the table below, and the 'Cancel' button, which deletes everything that is selected and entered in the search form.

The search results table shows the following data:

  • 'Priority' - a flag that represents the priority of the task. It can be blue (low priority), green (medium priority) or red (high priority)
  • 'Task' - displays the type of task
  • 'In charge' - the user who is in charge of performing this task
  • 'Company' - company name
  • 'Pl. cost '- place of cost

Within the table, it is also possible to select 'Id' (unique task identifier), 'Candidates' (users who can complete the task) and 'Group of candidates' (Groups of users who can complete the task).

Below each result, there is a line in which it is written which are the candidates and which are the groups of candidates behind which the users who are in that group are listed in brackets.

The toolbar consists of the following buttons:

'Set user' - Pressing this button, next to the previously highlighted task within the table, will open a window for selecting a user to replace the user to whom the task has been assigned.

'Assign user' - pressing this button, with the previously marked task within the table, will open a window for selecting users. After selecting the user, the task will be closed, and a new task will be created, and the user we selected will be in charge of completing that task.

The 'Export to PDF' and 'Export to Excel' buttons are used to generate reports on search results in PDF or Excel format, depending on which button the user clicked.