View account information

The search results are displayed inside the search table. The penultimate column of that table contains an 'i' icon for each of the search results. Clicking on this icon will open an 'Info' window showing all the important information about that incoming account.

The window is divided into three parts - 'Basic Data', 'Input Account' and 'Workflows'. The first part contains the basic data of the input account:

  • 'Name' - the name of the incoming account
  • 'Created' - the user who created the account
  • 'Dat. creation '- date and time of account creation
  • 'Changed' - the user who changed the account
  • 'Dat. changes' - date and time of account change
  • 'Version code' - account version
  • 'DBId' - account id

The second part shows the other input data entered:

  • Company
  • Number
  • Int. number
  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Mje. cost
  • Dat. account
  • Dat. making
  • Dat. payments
  • Partner
  • OIB
  • Status
  • Partner ID
  • Header
  • Osn.dat.
  • Ref.
  • FI number
  • MM number

The third part contains process workflows. For each process there are basic data:

  • 'Title' - the name of the process
  • 'Process ID'
  • 'Version Label' - process version

There is also a table next to each process, called 'Workflow Tasks'. Under the workflow tasks is the entire history of work on a particular process. The table contains the following columns:

  • 'ID' - task id
  • 'Name' - the name of the task
  • 'Owner' - the user in charge of this task
  • 'Run' - the date and time the task was created
  • 'Deadline' - the date and time by which the task should be completed
  • 'Completed' - the date and time when the task was completed
  • 'Outcome' - the outcome of the task

Below that table is a table of documents related to that incoming invoice. The table consists of three columns:

  • 'Name' - the name of the file, which is also a link to that document
  • 'Changed' - the user who changed the document

'Change Date' - the date the document was last modified