We are proud to present the 26th PagArtFestival, which will take place from August 1st to 17th. Our partners have prepared a rich program of serious music in top-notch performances, as well as one special play. Sciomagis continues support of the festival for more then two decades.

Don’t miss the chance to enjoy unforgettable artistic moments at beautiful locations. See you at the 26th PagArtFestival!

Find out more at PagArtFestival

The Croatian Veterinary Institute (CVI), the leading scientific research, diagnostic and analytical institute in the Republic of Croatia, and the company Sciomagis have created a new CVI monitoring system for tracking scientific, national and economic activities, with an overview of the financial resources spent on their implementation. The system tracks the achievement of KPI values related to the Institute's business and legal obligations through short and long-term goals and activities. These include tracking the publication of scientific manuscripts, the implementation of scientific projects, cooperation with domestic and foreign scientific institutions, educational and other activities, and the analysis of numerous development investments and uses of funds. The system includes a set of tools for modern management of the Institute's work, applying all authorization and security rules, allowing CVI staff to borrow, enter and monitor KPIs according to their work responsibilities at the Institute. The system was developed in record time in a joint effort between CVI and Sciomagis.

We share statement in full:
"For the needs of the Croatian Veterinary Institute (CVI), Sciomagis has developed and implemented an application for monitoring and implementing program funding. The Institute has thus incorporated a program into its work that continuously and very efficiently monitors the achievement of specific goals and the development and implementation activities of scientists and other employees of the Institute, along with tracking the use of financial resources during the four-year period (2024-2027).“

--- HR ---

Hrvatski veterinarski institut (HVI), vodeći znanstveno-istraživački, dijagnostički i analitički institut u Republici Hrvatskoj, i tvrtka Sciomagis, izradili su novi nadzorni sustav HVI-a za praćenje znanstvenih, nacionalnih i gospodarskih aktivnosti, uz pregled utrošenih financijskih sredstava za njihovu realizaciju. Sustav nadzire ostvarenje KPI vrijednosti povezanih s poslovnim i zakonskim obvezama Instituta kroz kratkoročne i dugoročne ciljeve i aktivnosti. Navedeno uključuje praćenje objave znanstvenih radova, realizaciju znanstvenih projekata, suradnju s domaćim i inozemnim znanstvenim ustanovama, obrazovne i druge aktivnosti kao i analizu brojnih razvojnih investicija i utroška sredstava. Sustav uključuje skup alata za moderno upravljanje radom Instituta uz primjenu svih autorizacijskih i sigurnosnih pravila koja omogućuju zaduživanje, unos i nadzor KPI-ova za djelatnike HVI-a sukladno njihovim radnim zaduženjima u Institutu. Sustav je razvijen u rekordnom vremenu, zajedničkim radom HVI-a i Sciomagisa.

Dijelimo izjavu HVI u potpunosti:
„Za potrebu Hrvatskog veterinarskog instituta (HVI) tvrtka Sciomagis d.o.o. razvila je i implementirala aplikaciju za praćenje realizacije programskog financiranja. Institut je time u svoj rad uključio program putem kojeg se kontinuirano i na vrlo učinkovit način prati ostvarenje zadanih posebnih ciljeva te razvojnih i izvedbenih aktivnosti znanstvenika i ostalih djelatnika Instituta, uz praćenje utroška financijskih sredstava tijekom četverogodišnjeg razdoblja (2024.- 2027.).“

We have published a new release of Sky.Flow platform, 1.8.1 version, with several new functionalities:

    Sky.Flow ERP Connector for SQL: Enables organization to connect on-premise ERP system, based on SQL databases, enabling exchange of:
  • invoice data – used to optimize accounts payables processes and reduce data entry for invoices
  • partner data – synchronize partner data between Sky.Flow applications and ERP system
  • employee data – use current employee data for Sky.Flow HR application.

Sky.Flow ERP Connector uses encrypted connections initiated from on-premise environment, enabling organizations to securely use data exchange when then need it and how they need it. Sky.Flow ERP Connector is available in all licensing models and it is billed only for the month it is in use.

Internal procedures support enables organizations to extend help system of Sky.Flow with their custom internal procedures. Procedures are available for each user screen of the Sky.Flow platform so user have a detail procedure of how to use certain functionality in their organization.

New smaller improvements and bug fixes include: Additional data for Sky Ap.GO archiving process, new authentication setup for task consoles in all processes, high priority approving, updates to main workbench and forms for cancelling invoices, new options for approving invoices and as well terminating approval process. Release includes other system improvements.

More information on platform and pricing can be found on https://www.sky-flow.net/pricing.html .

Sciomagis is committed to providing ever more efficient and cost-effective solutions to clients. We are adding new ‘Corporate core’ licensing model for Sky.Flow cloud platform. Model is intended for organizations in need of customized solutions for a large number of users with a support of core Sky.Flow platform functionalities.

    Key advantages:
  • Sky DocPortal functionalities (DMS, On-demand workflows, Saved searches, etc.)
  • Sky ap.Go Invoice processing application
  • 5.000+ GB of space for documents
  • Customization option available when needed
  • No administration costs
  • Per-user monthly cost, with additional discount for 1-year reservation

With a reduced price from Corporate model, until March 31st, we offer additional 5% discount for organizations switching to new ‘Corporate Core’ model.

More information on platform and pricing can be found on https://www.sky-flow.net/pricing.html .

Sky.Flow Saved Search functionality enables users to store often used search parameters and to reuse them with a simple click. This enables users to save time on repetitive tasks or to prepare search quires for less technically proficient colleagues.

Sky.Flow offers extensive built-in-support for searching on document content, document properties and custom properties defined for each class of document in the system. Creating advanced search criteria can be difficult for some users. It could also consume time for creating query and checking that returns results in-line with users’ ideas. With Saved Search functionality this task can be created only once by more proficient users and repeated by anyone in organization.

Saved search functionality is built-in in all search related pages from Sky.Flow 1.7 version. Each page features save button in search query toolbar. Button starts wizard for saving criteria with some parameters: names, relative dates, authorization etc. Once saved, saved search is available directly on Sky.Flow DocPortal home page and in reporting menu. From home page users can just select the query and the system will take them to search result pages, process parameters of the query and execute it. Users can then further work with the files, export results to PDF or do any process specific work related to them.

Saved search parameters are stored in the document management system and any authorization scheme can be applied to them. For example: query can be offered to only one group of people in organization (department or company related), query can be private and visible only to the person created it, etc.

    Some of our use cases:
  • Accounting department uses saved search query to get bank statements for last month. We have a bank statement as a class with corresponding dates and bank information. Query execute search related for last month and returns all information needed.
  • Monitoring for new files – when we do intensive scanning of paper archives, we monitor for the number of created documents in last one, two or three days
  • Processing production reports – getting all yesterday’s reports from production lines for a specific company
  • Cloud korištenje na Amazon AWS-u - Dokumenti su dostupni uvijek preko Internet stranica i mobilnih uređaja
  • Plaćajte samo što koristite – nema ulaganja u aplikaciju niti infrastrukturu, svaki mjesec možete mijenjati broj korisnika prema vašim trenutnim potrebama.
More information and a walk-though guide on Sky.Flow Saved Search functionality can be found at Saved Search Reporting Guide .

Provjerena i jednostavna digitalizacija

    Sky.Flow platforma omogućuje:
  • Jednostavnu digitalizaciju poslovnih dokumenata – pronađite dokumentaciju koristeći alate za pretraživanje slične Google-u ili dodajte vlastite kvalifikacije
  • Brzo pokretanje poslovnih procesa – pokrenite poslovne procese u bilo kojem trenutku i na bilo koji način ili koristite predloške odobravanja prema vrsti dokumenta
  • Gotova rješenja za uobičajene načine rada – gotova rješenja koja koriste najveće međunarodne organizacije ali i male lokalne tvrtke
  • Cloud korištenje na Amazon AWS-u - Dokumenti su dostupni uvijek preko Internet stranica i mobilnih uređaja
  • Plaćajte samo što koristite – nema ulaganja u aplikaciju niti infrastrukturu, svaki mjesec možete mijenjati broj korisnika prema vašim trenutnim potrebama.
Promotivna ponuda do kraja 2022. za prvih 20 novih klijenata. Ponuda uključuje snižene cijene korištenja, besplatno savjetovanje i besplatno podešavanje, te besplatnu digitalizaciju dokumenata. Više pročitajte u priloženom dokumentu. Primjeri ponuda su uključeni u dokument. Bit će nam drago odgovoriti na sva Vaša pitanja!

Pregledajte dokument ili nas » kontaktirajte...

Više o Sky.Flow platformi na » Sky.Flow stranice

We are creating a checklists based application empowered with IoT, RPA and AI technologies. It will feature simple to use checklists workflows with check items that can be shared within a team or a family. Checklists will include scheduling, notifications, remainders, escalation actions and reporting. Furter, check items will be empowered with option values where data can be populated by user or external device. We are creating IoT connectivity layer which enables connection of home and business devices and population of check item values. These values can enable completion of checklist, provide insight to users, enable escalation actions and reporting. Application will feature an AI Expert system that can guide users though workflows and operating procedures. Also, we are integrating business process management actions with RPA technologies to further automate flow of the data within the system.

Funds will be used in three segments: infrastructural and maintenance costs for free personal/family and small business use; part on the development costs; part of the tree planting to enable net-zero eco cost of the system and as saying thank you to contributors.

Our goals include making application free for personal/family use and free for small businesses. They are a back-bone of our everyday life and we want to support them as much as possible.

We as a company want to do as much as we can to help our planet and to leave better world for our children. Minimum goal include building the system with at least net-zero eco effect. This is why we are going to use part of this funds to plant trees.

Contributors get their name on page-wall of the app, triple business discount, and we will even plant trees in their name.

Be a part of the project: Like, Share, Contribute! Visit funding page and read more at: » GoGetFunding Campaign page

You can get more information on:
Campaign page: » Campaign page
LinkedIn: » Sciomagis Sky.Flow Facebook page
Facebook: » Sciomagis Sky.Flow LinkedIn page

You can also contact campaign manager directly though LinkedIn » LinkedIn profile/

Sky.Flow enw version 1.6 bring more features in BPM: On-demand user defined workflows.

Digitalizing business processes in modern organization provides benefits of increased productivity, organization efficiency and enables management on real-time data basis. Depending on the digitalization platform implementation is achieved by using developers and/or BPM experts which can result in significant costs and longer time to production as these kinds of personnel can be limited to find. Modern BPM solutions, like Sky.Flow BPM, offer higher level of BPM design with can result in implementation performed by a trained IT personal, but still requires a bit of specialization. All this can result in organization implementing digitalization in core, most impacted business processes. With Sky.Flow On-demand Workflows we what to enable end users in covering all other use-cases. Functionalities that are not big enough, not specific enough or just would cost too much to go through standard cycle of feasibility, requirements, implementation, testing and more. This functionality still provides the same enhancement to organization efficient organization as well as an implementation of core processes. This can include from simplest “approve me some ad-hoc activity”, “approve this document” or creating a chain of tasks to complete a process not covered in current application.

We have implemented another one of the items from our customers Wishlist: Custom Class Notifications.

    Sky.Flow now supports sending customized e-mails based on a documents properties. I.e.
  • Document class ‘Production report’ has property ‘Status’ set to ‘Final’ -> appropriate e-mail message with select document properties is sent to Production Manager
  • Document class ‘Web uploads’ has property ‘Description’ and contains value ‘curriculum vitae’ -> e-mail sent to HR department
  • Document class ‘Purchase request’ has property ‘Partner’ and contains value ‘Sciomagis’ -> e-mail sent to Key Account Manager for ‘Sciomagis’
Management of notifications is available to all clients under Class management functionality.
This functionality is marked as beta release as it implements customers wish only. Future releases will contain selection process of the appropriate notification inline with Sky ap.GO functions for workflow selection (advanced matching, multiple conditions, …).
Find out more on Sky.Flow documentation: https://www.sky-flow.net/docs/hr/sky-docportal/rad-s-klasama/class-notifications
Any user with specific request wishing to have some more notification options can contact though our usual web pages or their dedicated project manager.
Read document below in full for all the details or contact as...

    Promotional offer for Q1 2002. Includes:
  • 12% discount on licensing
  • Free services on consulting and free initial configuration and customization of the system
  • Free on-premise training
  • Free package of scanning and OCR of existing paper archives with migration to Sky.Flow platform
  • 12% discount on any additional services
To simplify promotional offer for potential clients and total cost of services we have prepared three exemplary offers for Sky.Flow. Offers are based on our previous work with current clients. Offers also include 1-year reservation fee for Sky.Flow Platform which includes further 10% discount for licenses.
Read document below in full for all the details or contact as...

It is a great pleasure to support PPS Galeković (www.pps-galekovic.hr), a family-owned Croatian manufacturer in their making of wonderful products, as a consultant and as a customer. Working with Tomislav Haraminčić and Filip Galeković is outstanding and this project is proud accomplishment for our team and Sky.Flow platform.

Sky.Flow Mobile is mobile client for Sky.Flow platform (https://www.sky-flow.net).

    Features include:
  • DocPortal functionalities for searching, viewing and uploading documents
  • Ap.GO task management, search, reporting
  • Repository browsing
  • Uploading documents from device
  • Camera integration with Amazon Textract OCR
  • Single app for all users' organizations
  • Document viewing using internal and device apps
Release version

Sciomagis je Krajnji primatelj financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa „Konkurentnost i kohezija“, u okviru Program COVID-19 zajam za obrtna sredstva.

Join Sciomagis this October on second edition of the Adriatic AWS Innovation Days, the largest partner-led AWS conference in CEE and SEE regions!

Two exciting days of compelling cloud journeys, latest technological advancements and innovations from AWS, networking with like-minded peers from leading companies and more.

Sciomagis will hold two sessions on Sky.Flow BPM on October 10th and 11th. Looking forward seeing you there.

More: https://adriatica.ws/


September 2019


Sciomagis has supported Paf Art Festival through many years. Description from this year's event follows (Croatian) with selected pictures by Alan Crljenko.

PagArtFestival krenuo je u svoje treće desetljeće, u znaku otkrivanja novih koncertnih lokacija, s posebnim naglaskom na spoj umjetnosti i prirode te suživot gospodarstva i kulture.

Tako je Zoran Dukić, gitarist i pedagog globalnoga renomea, otvorio festival koncertom u ruševinama Staroga Grada Paga, a Lovro Pogorelić, svjetski pijanist paških korijena, priredio je recital u skladištu sitne soli Solane Pag.

U Starom gradu Pagu nastupio je i Srđan Bulat, još jedan proslavljeni hrvatski gitarist, ovoga puta s pjevačicom Biljanom Kovač, a u crkvi sv. Frane u Pagu, dosadašnjoj glavnoj festivalskoj dvorani, nastupili su albansko/francuski violončelist Vlorent Xhafaj te ruski orguljaš Aleksej Vilegžanin, udružen u umjetničkom izrazu s našim istaknutim glumcem Enesom Vejzovićem, koji je deklamirao odlomke iz velebnog djela „Josip i njegova braća“ Thomasa Manna.

Također, festival je predstavio i mladog pijanista Kristiana Keila.

Zoran Dukić održao je koncert i u Domu kulture u Kolanu.

Lovro Pogorelić, utemeljitelj i umjetnički voditelja festivala, također i planinar, odabrao je citat Thomasa Manna iz romana „Doktor Faustus“ za uvodnu riječ festivala: „Piramide su velike, velik je Mont Blanc i unutrašnjost Petrove stolne crkve u Rimu, ako se ovaj atribut ne pridržava uopće radije za moralni i duhovni svijet, za uzvišenost srca i misli.“

Festival je trajao od 1. do 17. kolovoza.

More: http://www.lovropogorelich.net/festivals/index.html

Amazon Textract is a new AWS service that automatically extracts text and data from scanned documents. Amazon Textract goes beyond simple optical character recognition (OCR) to also identify the contents of fields in forms and information stored in tables. Article describes integration on Amazon Textract with Sciomagis Sky.Flow Online BPM platform.

Read full-article here... or on LinkedIn here...

Sciomagis has been recognised by CV magazine for 2019 Corporate Excellence Awards with "Best Business Process Automation Platform in 2019 - Croatia.

Sciomagis Sky.Flow platform enables easy digitalization of business documents and process automation. It is designed based on decades of experience with clients ranging from small and medium businesses to enterprise organizations using world-wide usage and millions of processes each year. Find out more about the platform...

Read full-article here...

Sky Online Community Edition available from January 1st 2019.
Contact us for community use.

CFO Tech Outlook has recognized our solutions in accounts payables implementation listing us in their Top 10 Accounts Payables Solution Providers for 2018.

As a production-ready system, Sciomagis ap.GO offers a compelling user interface that implements best-of-breed technologies optimized for account processing while reducing the complexity of document management system...

Read full-article here...

Top 10 Accounts Payable solution providers list here...

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